Supplemental Application

Applicants to the UBC–Sciences Po Dual Degree first apply to UBC through the BC provincial application portal, then submit a supplemental application to the program.

Supplemental Application Requirements

After you complete your application at, you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your application. This email will contain your 8-digit UBC student number. You will need to this number to submit your supplemental application.

If you've submitted your EduPlanner application but haven't received your UBC SN by the last day of the application window, please submit you supplemental application under the placeholder 00000000 and forward your EduPlanner confirmation to the Program Office ( to alert the team to the issue.

Shortlisted candidates are invited to an online interview, with interviews taking place from mid-February to early March.  Generally speaking, one panelist joins from Vancouver, and one from France; interviews are therefore held in the morning Vancouver time, or evening Paris time.

On your supplemental application, you will provide an indication of in which timezone you anticipate being during the interview period. You may provide updates to the program closer to the date if this changes after you submit.

The program office endeavours to assign times that pose minimal inconvenience to candidates, and to provide at least a week's notice ahead of the interview date. Capacity to reschedule or grant alternative-time requests is limited; such requests must be submitted promptly upon receiving the interview invite and include a rationale.

You will be asked to rank your first- and second-choice geographic minors at Sciences Po for Years 1 and 2, and to indicate a subject area of interest for Years 3 and 4 at UBC.

Sciences Po Campus Selection (Years 1 and 2)

      • Asia minor at Le Havre (instruction in English)
      • Middle East–Mediterranean minor at Menton (instruction in English)
      • North America minor at Reims (instruction in English)
      • Africa minor at Reims—anglophone stream
      • Africa minor at Reims—francophone stream (fluency in French required prior to admission)

UBC undergraduate degree program of interest (Years 3 and 4)

In your written response, you will be asked to address a few prompts demonstrating both your interest in the specifics of the program—including your motivation to study the geographic region of focus within the Sciences Po minor, and what the synthesis with the UBC BA provides—as well as give the committee a preview of your academic interests and perspective.

Your responses will be submitted as a single PDF file.

The prompts for 2025 are:

1. In under 750 words, please discuss your interest and motivations to pursue the UBC–Sciences Po Dual Degree program, ensuring that you address the following:

  • Interest, fit and preparation for your selected Sciences Po campus and its geographical minor program
  • Interest, fit and preparation study at the UBC Vancouver Campus
  • Your specific rationale for selecting this combination of top-ranked institutions for an international Dual Degree program
  • Why you think this Dual Degree program will help you fulfill your personal interests, academic goals and intellectual project.

While it is not necessary to structure your response to address the prompts in the order above, please ensure that you discuss all of the points within the specified word limit.

2. In 250 words or less, please tell us one thing in the world that you’d most like to know or understand better, and how you think your studies in the UBC–Sciences Po Dual Degree could help you do so.

A 1-2 page curriculum vitae in PDF format. Be sure to include your education and any experiences, accomplishments, or accolades. Reviewers are familiar with various country-specific formats for such documents, and students may adhere to the standard of their own country.

Prepared as one single PDF file for upload, academic transcripts for your last three years of study in chronological order:

      • 2022-2023 year
      • 2023-2024 year
      • 2024-2025 year (your most recent grades available prior to the application deadline)

Students in the French system are required to upload their Grade 11 (1ère) French Baccalaureate results as a separate file on the application.

Students pursuing the International Baccalaureate may include projected results within the transcript PDF if they so choose.

Pre-Submission Checklist

Before submitting your supplemental application, go over the below checklist to ensure you’ve completed all the requirements.

  • You’ve applied to UBC (with the Vancouver BA as your first choice) and paid your application fee through the EduPlannerBC portal
    • Applicants who do not select the BA as their first choice will not be considered
  • Prepared transcripts to be submitted as one single PDF file. Hard copies are not accepted for the supplemental application
    • For students pursuing the French bac: your Grade 11 results
  • Your completed written response, submitted as one PDF
  • Your CV or resume

Additionally, keep in mind the following:

  • The maximum file upload is 19.5MB
  • Official copies of final transcripts and test scores must be sent to UBC Admissions, and not to the Dual Degree program. UBC Admissions will communicate with you directly to request your submission.
  • Reference letters are not required for the supplemental application, and will not be accepted or considered if they are mailed to the program. Any reference letters sent to the program will not be mailed back to the applicant.
  • Evaluators are reviewing your submission digitally—consider how well your document displays on screen, and whether you’ve formatted it for optimal readability. Take a professional approach to all aspects, including details like file names.

All set? Submit your application here!