Cecile Bussy


Name: Cécile Bussy

Hometown and Country: La Réunion

Graduation Year: 2017

Degree Completed at Sciences Po: Bachelor of Arts, International Public Law

Degree Completed at Sciences Po: Bachelor of Arts Honours, Asian Language and Culture (China)

Why did you choose to pursue the UBC Sciences Po Dual Degree? 

Attending the Asian campus of Sciences Po, it was only natural to go to UBC as they have a very good program in Asian Studies, and the city has a vibrant Asian culture. I also wanted to go abroad and open my horizons.

What are some of the highlights from your time at Sciences Po, and at UBC? 

At Sciences Po, Le Havre had a dynamic international community and a focus on Asian languages. At UBC, there were a wide variety of courses related to Asia and many work and volunteer opportunities offered by UBC and in Vancouver.

What were some of the challenges that you faced at Sciences Po, and at UBC? 

Definitely the culture shock and transitioning from the French system to the Canadian system!

Can you tell us about some clubs, affiliations, and experiential learning opportunities that you participated in? 

At Sciences Po, I participated in cheerleading, dance (Chinese dance, Bhangra, contemporary), a musical (Mamma Mia!), and helped organize Le Havre’s Minicrit (a sports and arts competition). At UBC, I was a Work Learn student in the Asian Studies department; conducted community-based research on food security in Vancouver; part of the UBC Francophone Association and the UBC Sciences Po Dual Degree Association; part of The Ubyssey, UBC’s campus newspaper; and organized a panel discussion on “Left-Behind Children” in China.

What advice would you give to students who are considering this program, mor just starting out in this program? 

Be open-minded and open to all opportunities, and study and get some life experience (work, volunteer)!

What’s next for you? 

After graduating from the UBC Sciences Po Dual Degree, I am doing an internship at UNESCO in the Communication & Information sector, and will be pursuing a Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Intervention at Sciences Po Paris.