Sara Sanabria
July 7, 2020
Name: Sara Sanabria (Alumni) Hometown and Country: Born in Bogotá, Colombia and grew up in Calgary, Canada. Degrees Completing at UBC Sciences Po: Double Major in Political Science and International Relations. Embracing Dual Cultural Identity Born in Bogotá, Colombia, and growing up in Calgary, Canada, Sara’s unique cross cultural upbringing is an aspect of her identity that […]Lia Lee
April 14, 2020
Name: Lia Lee (Current Student) Hometown and Country: Seoul, South Korea. Grew up in Vancouver, Canada. Degrees Completing at UBC Sciences Po: Politics & Government at Sciences Po and International Relations at UBC. Choosing UBC Sciences Po Since high school, Lia has been passionate about alleviating social issues that she sees around her. From leading her high school’s […]Anjali Bhatt
March 12, 2020
Name: Anjali Bhatt (Alumni) Hometown and Country: Troy, MI, USA Degrees Completing at UBC Sciences Po: Bachelor of Arts in economics from Sciences Po (Le Havre campus), Bachelors of Commerce with Honours in marketing from UBC Sauder School of Business (Dual Degree Class of 2018) Why did you choose to pursue the UBC Sciences Po […]Pierre Sarlieve
December 19, 2019
Name: Pierre Sarlieve (Current Student) Hometown and Country: Strasbourg, France. Degrees Completing at UBC Sciences Po: Political Humanities major at Sciences Po and Honours History with International Relations program at UBC. Why did you choose to pursue the UBC Sciences Po Dual Degree? Having dual citizenship in France and Canada, the dual degree was first […]Chloé Villaret
November 19, 2019
Name: Chloé Villaret (Current Student) Hometown and Country: I am French, but I was born in Madrid and raised in Singapore. Degrees Completing at UBC Sciences Po: BA in Social Sciences (Euro-Asian specialization) at Sciences Po BA in International Relations at UBC Why did you choose to pursue the UBC Sciences Po Dual […]UBC Sciences Po Dual Degree Program Welcomes Incoming Program Chair, Dr. Tara Mayer
July 8, 2019
The UBC Sciences Po Dual Degree program would like to welcome Dr. Tara Mayer as the incoming Program Chair. Dr. Tara Mayer holds a Ph.D. in South Asian History from the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies. Her scholarship traces material and aesthetic exchanges between India, Britain, and France in ways that […]Congratulations to Our 2019 Graduates!
June 3, 2019
Congratulations to our third graduating cohort of the UBC Sciences Po Dual Degree Program! On May 24th, 2019, the program hosted a reception for the graduates and their families to celebrate their journey in the Dual Degree, and all of their achievements. The Consul General of France, Philippe Sutter, also shared a congratulatory message, expressing […]Continued Global Opportunities
December 3, 2018
Last May, three students of the Dual Degree Program participated in a Global Seminar, a UBC course taught by a UBC professor abroad. This Global Seminar brought the three students to Chongqing, China, to participate in the first UBC-SWUPL (Southwest University of Political Science and Law) exchange. Zachary Pascaud recounts his exciting month-long exchange in […]An Afternoon with the Dean
November 30, 2018
On Thursday, November 1st, the Dual Degree Program hosted an intimate reception for students to mix and mingle with the Dean of Arts, as well as program faculty and staff. It was a great afternoon for the students to catch up with each other, and hear from the Dean, Gage Averill, who recanted the the […]Submit Your Supplemental Application for 2019/2020 Now!
July 31, 2018
The UBC Sciences Po Dual Degree supplemental application is now open for the 2019/2020 academic year. For full details, visit: How to Apply Requirements and Eligibility Application Deadlines and Interview Dates Supplemental Application Please note that all applicants must wait until the UBC general application at is open before they can submit a supplemental application […]